Music with a Uke and Beyond

One of the musical instruments to achieve a return to popularity in recent times, is the humble Ukulele.  It is hardly surprising, since it is easy to learn and can quickly give enjoyment to folk of all ages who wish to enter into the magical world of music making.

Once the rudiments of playing the Ukulele has been captured, skill levels improve with enjoyable practice and those skills can be transferred to other instruments (and vice versa).

I have been performing, tutoring and leading workshops for many years and have loved every minute of it.  It is never too late to start or even ‘take it up again’ or to fulfill a long held desire to make music with an instrument, including the instrument we all have, our voice, and I would be delighted to assist you.  Make music, have fun, any instrument, any skill level.

“Music is what Feelings sound like”.

Group Leader Gordon Reynolds

Venue : Home based

2nd and 4th Tuesdays 1:30 – 3:00 ( Not Boxing Day)

Start Date for 2023 : 26.09.23