u3a in Scotland

Within Scotland the u3as are many and varied, from a large u3a with over 1000 members to small u3as on some of the islands, but however varied, we are united by our love of learning, sharing skills and talents, friendship and enjoyment in our Third Age.

The Third Age Trust Board of Directors has an elected representative (Trustee) from each of 12 Government Regions in the UK: 9 Regions of England plus the three nations, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. The Scotland Region is the largest geographically in the UK. It now has 54 member u3as including the new Banchory & Deeside. New u3as are being considered in a number of areas, mostly the Central belt. We work with our Trustee (Liz Ervine) to help encourage the creation of new u3as. We also offer a small start up grant (currently £100) to new u3as in Scotland. Due to our geography, networks have been slow to start in the region as travel and communication can be a challenge in some areas.

The u3a in Scotland is run by a committee elected at its Annual General Meeting and is governed by its own constitution.

u3a in Scotland is a Scottish Charity (SC 030370). All u3as in Scotland are members. We work with member u3as to organise Scotland Assemblies. We run a Summer School every two years with our next one planned for in 2024. This will be held in Stirling. We aim to hold our All Scotland Events at different locations around the country to even out travel accessibility for members. These are basically training events on a number of topics of interest to u3as, but also provide a valuable opportunity for swapping experience and ideas. We liaise with the Trustee for Scotland who attends our meetings by invitation and provides an important link to the Board of the Third Age Trust. The Third Age Trust also provide some funds to help our events. Further information can be found on the website or Facebook using these links below.



The u3a in Scotland Spring Newsletter is also now available

Message from Liz Irvine Trustee for Scotland dated 23.04.23

Consensus Statement on an Older People’s Commissioner for Scotland

We call on the Scottish Government to establish an Older People’s Commissioner for Scotland to act as an independent champion for older people and ensure that policy and practice across government considers the long-term needs of people in later life.

Our society is ageing, and policymakers should embrace this demographic shift. Currently in Scotland, over 1 million people are aged 65 or over. By 2030, 1 in 5 people in Scotland will be over 65. Growing older is a privilege, but an ageing population will require collaboration and joined-up thinking to deliver innovative policy solutions and meet the needs of the future.

The support people need in later life from institutions like the NHS, social care and social security systems are critical, but no single government department can respond to these issues alone. A commissioner would facilitate the long-term planning that is needed to ensure our economy and public services are adapting to demographic shifts, while also enabling more people to age well. This would not just benefit older people, but the nation as a whole.

A sharper focus on the range of experiences in later life is required. Not everyone enjoys a financially secure retirement – indeed an alarming proportion are struggling to make ends meet – and too often, older people’s rights and interests are forgotten by decision-makers, particularly as we face unprecedented crises.

But there is an opportunity to fix this. Older people want to be part of the nation’s vision, now, and in the future. As our older population becomes increasingly diverse, we believe that older people urgently need a champion to help make Scotland the best place in the world to grow old.